Protected Mosman’s Independence

Saved Mosman from forced amalgamation, protecting our community’s independence.

Rebuilt Trust and Financial Stability

Rebuilt trust in Council by delivering consistent financial stability and transparent, robust governance.

Put Mosman’s Community Needs First

Drive decisions with the community’s needs as our top priority.

Upgraded Our Sporting Facilities & Public Spaces

Achieved significant upgrades to our sporting facilities, public spaces & playgrounds with plans underway for Middle Head & Rawson Ovals.

Secured Mosman’s Best Interests

Secured Mosman’s best interests through effective advocacy with the NSW Government.

Maintained Independence from Political Interference

Ensured Mosman remained independent and free from major political party interference.

Led Climate Change & Resilience Programs

Spearheaded Council’s climate change & resilience programs that include Council operations 2030 Zero Emissions targets, which are well on the way to being met. Serving Mosman has consistently prioritised the protection of our local environment.

Built Strong Partnerships with Local Businesses

Built effective partnerships with Mosman Chamber of Commerce and local businesses.

Continued to Delivered Leading Arts & Cultural Programs

Ensured our much-loved community programs were retained during and post Covid while continuing work to ensure Mosman is the best suburb in Sydney.

Enhanced Green Spaces

Increased Mosman’s tree canopy for a greener future.

Improved Pedestrian Safety

Improved pedestrian safety around our schools & local streets.

Raised Awareness of Domestic & Family Violence

Established Mosman's Annual Walk for Women to raise local awareness of domestic & family violence.